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Bhupal Nobles' University
Established by the Rajasthan Legislative Assembly Act No. 23, 2015
Promoted by: Vidya Pracharini Sabha, Bhupal Nobles' Sansthan, Udaipur, Rajasthan
About Us
About Organization
Our Visionaries
Executive Committee
Our Motto
Features of University
Code of Conduct
Community Engagement
NCC, NSS & Scouts
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AICTE Approval
Mandatory Disclosures (AICTE)
Faculty of Agriculture
Faculty of Commerce & Management
Faculty of Physical Education
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities
Faculty of Science
Department of Chemistry
Department of Botany
Department of Biotechnology
Department of Computer Science
Department of Physics
Department of Mathematics
Department of Statistics
Department of Zoology
Faculty of Pharmacy
BN College of Pharmacy
BN Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Faculty of Management
Faculty of Education
Student Corner
Faculty of Agriculture
Faculty of Commerce & Management
Faculty of Physical Education
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Pharmacy
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About Us
Established by the Rajasthan Legislative Assembly Act No. 23, 2015
Promoted by: Vidya Pracharini Sabha, Bhupal Nobles' Sansthan, Udaipur, Rajasthan
Code of Conduct
Every Student should follow the University calendar, time-table and the rules which are circulated from time to time.
Without giving prior reason or information the University administration is entitled and independent to change the information or make amendments in any rule mentioned in the Bulletin.
The final decision shall be of the University for defining and intepreting any rule mentioned in the Bulletin.
At the time of admission the parents should mention the name and address of local guardian who can take the responsibility for the behaviour and activity of the students who have opted to take boarding accomodation.
The student shall be immediately terminated from the University if she is found guilty of using and keeping drugs and practising immoral behavior.
If a student does not attend classes regularly then disciplinary action will be taken against him/her.
The use or possession of cell phone/mobile phone, transistor, i-pods is strictly prohibited during the college hours in the campus.
Vehicles are to be parked in parking area.
Money and other precious belongings must not to be kept unattended anywhere. University does not bear any responsibility for the loss of such items.
Writing on the walls inside and outside the campus and making the other places dirty by writing or pasting posters shall be considered as an indisciplinary act and strict action shall be taken by the authorities.
The presence of the students is compulsory on the national festivals such as the Independence Day and the Republic Day. Under unavoidable circumstances the student should take written permission from the authorities for remaining absent.
It is essential for every student to obey and follow the dates of examination organised/conducted by the University.
Students should read the notice boards daily.
Appropriate and correct use of library and reading rooms should be done by the students.
Students should take "No Dues Certificate" from the related department and submit in the office before taking their admission cards.
The constitutional membership of the student with the college ends after they obtain "No Dues Certificate".
It is essential to keep Identity Card (Smart Card) at all times. If demanded by the authorities it should be presented before them.
The following code of conduct, as well as other existing rules are to be followed sincerely by the students of the University. Their violation is a punishable offence.
Reach the class five minutes before schedule and attend classes regularly. Bring the requisite stationery articles.
Read the notice-baord everyday on arrival and departure. Follow the instructions thereon scruplously.
Spend the leisure time in the library. Observe silence in the library and do not damage the books and magazines in any manner. Return borrowed books in time.
Maintian discipline in the dress-code. Shirt should be trucked inside the paints, all buttons of the shirt (except that of collar) should be put to use and pants and shirt should be ironed.
Do not use bath-room slippers in college. Use "pump" shoes or shoes with lace, after proper polishing.
Cut hair and nails rerularly. Shave daily or trim the beards, regularly. Maintain physical hygiene.
Keep the colllege campus clean. Throw waste items and papers in waste-bin only; protect trees and lawns of the college, do not stick posters on the walls of the college. Prevent others from damaging college property and inform college authorities about this violation by anybody promptly.
Do not cross over or spoil roadside lawns and cross or jump over the road dividers.
Do not dirty the walls or furniture. Do not chew betel-leaf, tobacco or gutkha. Do not spit within college premises. Smoking, use of intoxicants and carrying weapons of any kind is prohibited in college.
Do not dirty the area where water (for drinking purpose) is stored, do not waste precious water.
Do not damage movable and immovable property of the college.
Do not talk to teachers with hands in pockets (or on waist). Twirling the moustache while talking, sneezing loudly, yawning, shouting, or disturbing classes with loud conversation come under the category of indisciplinary behaviour.
Behave properly and respectfully with senior students; treat your junior students with affection and gentleness. Maintain decency in communication and avoid using threats or arrogant expressions in your language.
Help and guide strangers, in college, with courtesy and sincerity. Your courteous behavior will bring good name to the college, as well as to your family.
Be careful about 'Rules of the Road' and your personal safety, especially while entering and leaving the campus. Walk on the left side of the college road leaving approximately 10 feet of passage for vehicular traffic.
Do not bring any petrol/diesel/gas-driven vehicle in college. Parents and guardians are requested to provide their child a biscycle to reach college as it will keep them physically fit. Besides, it is environment friendly, and is the safest, healthiest and cheapest mode of transport. Use only bicycles for coming to and going from the college.
Park your vehicle at the student parking area only. Do not tamper with others' vehicles. No motor vehicles are allowed inside the college campus.
Always carry your college identity card, and show it when asked to do so by the staff. Entry into college may be denied in the absence of the identity card.
Do not come with or allow other friends who are not the students of this college.
Remember the 'Scholar No.' allotted to you, and quote it in future correspondence with the college.
Do not bring (mobile) cell phones to college. If the cell phone instrument is with you, keep it in silent mode. If it rings in the college premises, it may be seized by the college authorities.
Participate in all the functions and activities of the college, in a disciplined manner and express your views gracefully. While attending any function, do not disturb of leave the function till the end. Your presence in national festivals like Independence Day and Republic Day, reflects your love for your country. Participation on National Days is appreciated as it bring immense pride and feeling of patriotism.
75% of attendance is compulsory in all subjects (theory and practical). Contact the faculty professorperiodically, to be aware of the attendance. Students having short attendance will not be allowed to appear in the Examination as regular students.
Do not use unfair means in examinations. Use of unfair means, in examinations, is an offence udner "Rajasthan Anti-Copying Act, 1992". It may result in three years' imprisonment and/or fine of Rs. 2000.
Do not approach the principal/Staff Members/the examiner to get yourself recommended for favour of marks in sessional/practical examinations. This act will be considered as "use of unfair means".
Adhere to the college discipline strictly. A student, once suspended, may not be admitted to the college again in the next year. He/she will be issued the transfer certificate immediately. No consideration will be made by way of discussion/claim in this regard.
Ragging is an offence and punishable under law. Do not indulge in it. FIR may be filed against a student found indulging in ragging under the 'Prevention of Ragging Act- 1992'.
Students owe their educationto the hard-earned income of their parents/guardians. Hence, do not waste the good opportunity that has come your way. Time once lost is lost for ever. Colleges years are the time of build your career. Read and learn as much as you can.
Abstain from college in case of any serious/infectious disease.
Always remember that you are the representative of this college, within and outside the campus. Therefore, please keep up your esteem as well as that of the college with your disciplined, cultured behaviour. Preserving the repute of our Nobles' family is your sacered responsibility.