8th and 9th January, 2024

(Hybrid Mode)

About the Conference

The International conference on "Sustainable Development in Information Technology and Management" is jointly organized by the Department of Management and the Department of Computer Science & Application, BNU, Udaipur. With the rapid transformations and developments, as never seen before, happening all around us and making unprecedented changes in our lives, the motivation behind the seminar is to explore the sustainability angle of the developments taking place in all fields particularly the business and digital fields so that our next generation can look forward to a bright, promising and sustainable future.

The conference will provide an interdisciplinary forum for scholars, teachers and professionals from diversified streams for sharing of ideas and perspectives; presentation of research findings; and brainstorming the issues and their solutions towards sustainable development. The conference also attempts to provide a unique platform where inspiration, knowledge and opportunities will converge to enable the delegates to grow both personally and professionally.


  • To provide an interdisciplinary platform to renowned academicians and industry experts from around the world to discuss critical global issues and their impact on sustainable development.
  • To share and exchange ongoing research findings and innovative practices about sustainable development.
  • To inspire/initiate dialogue on creating solutions and strategies for mitigating impact of global issues.
  • To foster relationships and collaborations among delegates to work towards sustainable development goals.
  • To facilitate career development of all participants and provide opportunities to network and build connections with professionals with shared interests.

Call for Papers

The conference invites papers on the following themes but not limited to:
"Sustainable Development in Information Technology & Management"

Sub Themes - IT

  • Role of Artificial Intelligence in sustainable development
  • Green computing for sustainable future technologies
  • Robotics & autonomous systems for sustainable future
  • Green economy
  • Role of IT in environmental monitoring and conservation
  • Energy optimization
  • Smart agriculture
  • Promoting health-care and well-being through IT
  • Cloud computing sustainability and the green cloud
  • Blockchain technologies as a digital enabler for sustainability
  • IoT and sustainability
  • Potential use of quantum computing to achieve SD goals

Sub Themes - Management

  • Sustainable green HRM practices
  • Hybrid workspace and remote-working
  • Sustainable micro-finance and rural development
  • Sustainable green investing
  • Crypto-currency and blockchain
  • Digital banking practices, payment banks and e-wallets
  • Sustainable SCM solutions in retail industry
  • Green marketing and consumerism
  • Social and digital media marketing
  • Rural consumers and marketing strategies for sustainable development
  • Social entrepreneurship

The abstract of all the papers will be published in Conference Proceedings and e-copy of the same will be provided to all the participants. The selected papers will be considered for publication in Global Review of Business and Technology (GRBT), an international peer-reviewed academic research journal. Certificates will be provided to all the offline registered participants and e-certificates will be provided to all the online registered participants.

Abstract & Research Paper Submission Guidelines

Authors are requested to prepare their abstract and paper submissions and send a soft copy through email at The authors are requested to adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Contribution/ content should be original and unpublished.
  • Abstracts should not be more than 200 words containing title, name of author(s), affiliation/institution's name, email id, followed by mobile no., content/text and keywords (5-7 words).
  • The author(s) should indicate their preference for oral or poster presentation along with the name of section to which their work belongs in capital bold letters at the top of the abstract.
  • The research paper should be limited to 4000 words. It should be in PDF & Word document format, Times New Roman, 12- point font size with 1.5 line spacing and 1 inch margin.
  • Kindly check plagiarism before submitting the paper.

Important Dates

Abstarct Submission (Last Date)
20th December 2023
Full Paper Submission (Last Date)
27th December 2023
Conference Dates
8th-9th January, 2024

Registration Fee

  • Academician (Foreign) : $100
  • Academician (Indian) : Rs. 1500
  • Research Scholar (Foreign) : $80
  • Research Scholar (Indian) : Rs. 1200
  • Corporate : Rs. 2000
  • Student UG/PG : Rs. 700

Registration fee includes conference material kit and hospitality for all the registered participants for two days. It does not include boarding and lodging.
Certificate will be issued to registered candidate only.

Bank Details

Bank : Union Bank of India, Udaipur
Branch : BN College Udaipur
Name of the Account : BNU, Faculty of Science
Account No. : 749402010001309
IFSC Code : UBIN0574945